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Cornish village in parking row with tourists as cones deployed to deter drivers

Residents say that the problem lies with tourists – but local authorities say locals are also at fault

Residents of a Cornish village have accused tourists of problem parking which they claim has led to hundreds of cones being deployed to deal with the issue.
The bright yellow markers have been used to deter drivers from parking on its main road because rain has delayed the double yellow lines being painted.
Popular with holidaymakers and surfers, Polzeath has been overrun with problem parkers causing backlogs and delays.
Villagers say that the problem lies with tourists – but local authorities say locals are also at fault. In an attempt to control traffic jams over the Easter holidays and while waiting for the weather to dry enough to paint permanent markings, the council and highways agency has turned to traffic cones.
Andy Stewart, 54, a senior beach ranger who lives near Polzeath, said: “There used to be a single yellow line but that was removed so double yellows could be painted.
“The weather prevented that from happening for quite some time then Easter hit and people were just taking advantage of free parking in a place that affects the flow of traffic.
“At times it can be unsafe so me and the parish council contacted the highways agency – they came out and deployed millions of cones.
“No one is at fault, the council aren’t at fault, the Highways Agency aren’t at fault, it’s just one of those things – it’s just nature doing its thing to make it complicated.”
After the Polzeath Beach Ranger Service posted pictures of the cones on Facebook, it attracted comments from tourists and locals alike.
“It’s a huge shame it’s come to this. If only people would use the brains they were born with when parking…” said one commenter.
“It’s been horrendous the past week. No room for buses and emergency services to get through,” posted another.
But visitors hit back, with one commenting: “I’m really not feeling very welcome to visit Polzeath anymore … we are not all idiots or inconsiderate.”
Mr Stewart claimed the issue was not one of tourists versus locals, and said he had spotted locals taking advantage of the free parking as well as visitors.
“No one in particular is being targeted, to a certain extent I don’t blame people for parking there,” said the retired police officer.
“It’s not targeting a specific demographic, it’s just solving a problem.
“The priority of the beach rangers service and the two parish councils is safety and maintaining the flow of traffic and that’s all this was about.”
The National Highways Agency has been approached for comment.
